Gallo, Michael

Personal Overview
By way of introduction, I have been employed at Florida Tech since 1987, after having spent 11 years teaching mathematics at the junior high, senior high, and community college levels. The majority of my tenure at Florida Tech was with the Department of Education and Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly known as the Science and Mathematics Education Department), where I taught graduate courses in educational research, educational statistics, and learning theories. I also was the major advisor to 20 students who graduated with their PhD in mathematics education as well as various areas of science education, including aviation, biology, computer science, and environmental education.
In 2012, I transferred to the College of Aeronautics (COA) and helped COA design and establish a PhD program in Aviation Sciences, which at the time was only the second aviation PhD program in the nation. This new program was accredited in mid-2013, and we began admitting students into the program fall 2013. I currently am the default academic advisor for all entering PhD students in Aviation Sciences, and I am teaching the core courses of the program, including aviation research and aviation statistics. To date, I have been the major advisor of five students who graduated with their PhD in Aviation Sciences.
In addition to our PhD program, I also helped COA design and establish a professional doctorate in aviation called Doctor of Aviation, AvD, which is a 100% online doctoral program for working aviation professionals. This 3-year cohort-based program was accredited in August 2017 and we accepted our first cohort of nine students Fall 2018. I currently am the default academic advisor for all entering AvD students, and I coordinate the delivery of the program.
Educational Background
M.S.Ed. Mathematics, State University of New York, Brockport, 1979
M.S. Computer Science, Florida Institute of Technology, 1986
Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology, 1993
Professional Experience
AVS 5205 Aviation Statistics
AVS 6000 Quantitative Research Designs in Aviation Research
AVS 6010 Qualitative and Mixed Methods Designs in Aviation Research
AVS 6100 Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for Aviation Research
AVS 6200 Contemporary and Future Issues in Aviation
AVS 6900 Research Practicum
Selected Publications
Setek, W., & Gallo, M. (2009). Fundamentals of mathematics (11th ed). Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
Gallo, M., & Hancock, W. (2002). Computer communications and networking technologies. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Gallo, M., & Hancock, W. (2002). Networking explained (2nd ed.). Woburn, MA: Digital Press.
Gallo, M. A., Alhallaf, H., Baran, S., Cremer, I., Finn, C., Maharaj, I., Ozyurek, A. S., Peker, A. E., Reese, B., Tuncman, I., Turgut, R. T., & Uhuegho, K. O. (2015). Inadvertent VFR-into-IMC flights: A qualitative approach to describing GA pilots’ first-hand experiences. Collegiate Aviation Review, 33(2), 27-52.
Gallo, M. A., & Clauter, A. (2014). The relationship between part 121 pilots’ age and accident rates. Collegiate Aviation Review, 32(1), 1-17.
Gallo, M. A., & Kepto, M. (2014). The relationship between 2011 metar and taf data at Chicago-Midway and Seattle-Tacoma airports. Collegiate Aviation Review, 32(1), 18-33.
Gallo, M. A., & Smith, K. A. (2012). Middle grades algebra: Grade 7 vs. Grade 8. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 16(1), 46-50
Gallo, M., & Odu, M. (2009). Examining the relationship between class scheduling and student achievement in college algebra. Community College Review, 36(4), 299-325.
Gallo, M., Lake, M., Edgar, J., & Marovich, M. (2008, Winter). Two-year college mathematics teacher reformation. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12(4), 127-131.
Garner, L., & Gallo, M. (2005). Field trips and their effect on student achievement and attitudes. Journal of College Science Teaching, 34(5), 1114.
Gallo, M., & Clark, C. (2002). Effects of calculator use on third-grade students FCAT scores. Florida Educational Leadership, 3(1), 5459.
Bier, M., & Gallo, M. (1997). Ethics and empowerment in the study of home Internet access and disadvantaged families. Journal of Research on Computing in Education.
Bier, M., Sherblom, S., & Gallo, M. (1997). Ethical issues in a study of Internet use: Uncertainty, responsibility, and the spirit of research relationships. Ethics and Behavior, 6, 141151.
Bier, M., & Gallo, M. (1996). Empowering parents with Internet connections: A case study of the Internet and the underserved community. Florida Technology in Education Quarterly, 8(4), 6479.
Gallo, M., & Horton, P. (1994). Assessing the effect on high school teachers of direct and unrestricted access to the Internet: A case study of an east central Florida high school. Educational Technology Research and Development, 42(4), 1739.
Huang, C., & Gallo, M. (2008, February). Pseudo designed computerized test conditions and test anxiety: A comparison of computer-based, pseudo computerized-adaptive, and pseudo self-adaptive tests. Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education (CASE) 2008 in Taiwan.
Garner, L., & Gallo, M. (2005, March). Physical versus virtual field trips to the Indian River lagoon. Paper presented at the 16th annual International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL.
Goda, Y., & Gallo, M. (2005, March). Computer-based feedback timing and learners' response confidence on language learning. Paper presented at the 16th annual International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL.
Gallo, M., & Gallop, R. (2003, April). Effect of constructivist strategies on biology students' misconceptions, achievement, and attitudes. Paper presented at the 14th annual International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL.
Gallo, M., & Moore, J. (2002, November). The effect of a graphics calculator-based college algebra curriculum. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Phoenix, AZ.
I currently am guiding several dissertation research studies as major advisor, including (a) a content analysis of the methodological quality of articles published in refereed subscription and open access aviation journals, (b) a secondary analysis of a previous doctoral student's study on aviation professionalism, (c) a risk analysis of general aviation pilots, (d) an examination of the relationship between factors that contribute to a country's international competitiveness in the travel and tourism industry and that country's per capita airline passenger capacity of domestic and international flights originating within that country, and (e) an examination of the influence electronic Word-of-Mouth activities have on airline passengers' purchasing involvement relative to a particular airline.
My research interests are varied and I tend not to espouse a specific research agenda because of the diverse nature of our doctoral programs relative to the size of our college. Examples of doctoral research studies I have guided include the following: MATHEMATICS EDUCATION: (1) Examining the effect on student achievement and attitudes of graphing utilities in college algebra courses taught at two-year colleges; (2) Exploring the influence instructional use of calculators in elementary grades has on student performance on the mathematics component of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT); (3) Applying a conceptual change model, commonly used to assess students' misconceptions of key science concepts to community college mathematics teachers misconceptions of how students learn mathematics; (4) Examining the spacing effect theory (i.e., how variations in the frequency and timing of instruction affect student learning) with respect to 3-, 2-, and 1-day per week schedules in college algebra. SCIENCE EDUCATION: (1) Examining the effect of biology-based virtual and physical field trips relative to students' science achievement and attitudes; (2) Examining the effect of conceptually-based instructional strategies on science achievement and attitudes of community college students in first-semester general biology, microbiology, and human anatomy and physiology courses; (3) Investigating the direct and indirect effects of teacher attributes, classroom attributes, and instructional strategies on Namibian junior secondary school teachers' locus of control, self-efficacy, and attitudes toward desertification; (4) Investigating the effect of student- and teacher-centered instructional strategies with and without conceptual advocacy on ninth-grade biology students' misconceptions, biology achievement, attitudes toward science, and cognitive retention of scientific method and measurement, spontaneous generation, and characteristics of living things. COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION: (1) Examining the effects of a computer-based feedback and assessment environment on Taiwanese students' English language acquisition; (2) Examining the effect of a classroom restructuring involving the introductory course in computer science (CS 1); (3) Examining the perception of control relative to Taiwanese students’ affective domain (locus of control, self-efficacy, test anxiety) in three different types of testing environments: computer-based (CBT), pseudo computerized-adaptive (pseudo-CAT), and pseudo self-adaptive (pseudo-SAT). AVIATION SCIENCE EDUCATION: (1) Developing a causal model to help explain and predict the relationships among various attributes of airport executives that lead to a career in airport management. AVIATION SCIENCES: (1) Identifying factors that contributed to certified flight instructors (CFIs) becoming complacent, which could then be manifested as a lack of or reduced vigilance. (2) Identifying factors related to hazardous events that were precursors to runway incursions classified as pilot deviations. (3) Examining the relationship between factors affecting the aviation profession and the concept of aviation professionalism. (4) Examining the safety climate at targeted U.S. based aviation maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facilities. (5) Examining the survival strategies of U.S. domestic airlines relative to their route exit/entry decision patterns and air fare competition dynamics.